"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
1800DearGod Marriage Blogs

Married & Young

 We’re so honored and excited that you are visiting. Married and Young was started out of the desire to share our marriage journey with others. 

It is our mission to see Married and Young increase the marriage rate and decrease the divorce rate in the World by helping singles, courting, engaged, and newly married couples establish a solid foundation for a successful Godly marriage! 

Build Your Marriage

We are a normal couple who have made our share of mistakes, failures, and sins. Together we have experienced mountain peaks and the dark valleys of marriage. Yet, we have received God’s grace, each other’s forgiveness, and have learned a lot along the way.

Married by His Grace

My mission is to be led by God. In 2009 I dedicated my life to the Lord. I was going through a divorce and felt very much alone. I was ministered to through a Freedom class then a movie at a church event. Instantly I was sold out for Christ. I became a true believer that God will and can, heal, deliver, and restore.

Marriage 365

We knew we didn’t want to be the next divorce statistic so we began educating ourselves and learned how to do marriage the right way. We read every marriage book, went to marriage intensives, got ourselves into therapy, surrounded ourselves with healthy couples, started owning our mistakes and learned how to communicate and listen to each other. The transformation was drastic and we were able go from hating each other to falling back in love like never before. 

Messy Marriage

I’m Beth Steffaniak and my story is not what you might expect from a pastor’s wife and life coach. I came into marriage with emotional wounds and unhealthy patterns, making my marriage messy in no time! 

A Prioritized Marriage

Amberly helps couples make time to build and enjoy their marriage relationship every single day, throughout every stage of life.

For Your Marriage

Marriage is a vocation to holiness. From their first days as husband and wife through their golden years, married couples have the awesome task of witnessing to God’s faithful love to each other, their children, and society.

Love & Respect

You may have arrived at Love and Respect because you are hurt, frustrated, confused, fearful, angry, or worse. You may be in-crisis.